Freakin’ long summer

The kids started back to school last week. They started having stuff to study this week. And they’ll start having tests over the stuff they’re studying, also this week. I’m keeping a close eye on homework, but otherwise, I have quiet time to myself, again.

The kids had no outlet all summer: no enrichment classes, no swim lessons, few trips to the store…nothing. And they broke two sprinklers1 over the course of the summer, setting them up and riding bikes through them, just to have something to do. That meant that they were under foot (and under elbow, randomly) all the time, and had the TV going more than half of it…and fighting frequently, always as soon as I plugged in my headphones to drown out the TV. School let out for Spring Break, then never really picked back up. The poor kids were really ready to go back in April. Instead, they had five full months at home.

I am mentally worn out. I really, really am. Last week’s two days of school helped, but I think it’s going to take a while to get back into the headspace to write.

In the meantime…I’ve got something fun to edit/offer feedback on.

1 The sprinklers were cheap, Chinese-made pieces of shit. But the kids still went through two of them.