
My name is Holly Chism.  I am a writer.  I am self-published.  Yes, I have tried the standard way through querying agents and garnering dozens upon hundreds of rejection slips.

I plan to talk about writing, working at my other jobs (I am a part-time Freshman Composition teacher, and a full-time stay-at-home mom), keeping house, and keeping sane (as much as I ever am).  If anyone who happens past here is at all curious about something about me, my work, my husband, home, or kids, ask.  If I feel it’s prudent, I’ll answer.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Holly,
    Just finished The Godshead Tavern. I really enjoyed how you mixed the two mythologies together with current day life. Fun read.

    I noticed this here as well as over at anti-soma. The link to Survivors keeps giving me a 404 error. It also looks like you’ve disabled comments over on anti-soma so I had no way to let you know about it on that blog.

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