Gray day.

I am trying to do better about posting updates. It’s still a little hard to find motivation, but now it’s also hard to find time because the words are rolling out. 

January was…good for output, despite the early event that knocked my emotional feet out from under me. I ended up writing an entirely new story, which clocked in at 16K words, and wrote a further 15K words to finish Dogfather, the short story I’d started and intended to put in Faerie Gifts (Gifts is available for pre-order, and will be available KU on April 8), but which took a hard right turn into short-novel territory. Right now, it’s finished, but only first-draft finished. I’ll pick it up and revise it in a couple of months. Then send it out for beta readers to eyeball, possibly late this summer, or early fall. Mostly because I’m working on other things at the moment.

The new story, the one that jumped the queue, and postponed me finishing Dogfather? It’s a romance, not urban fantasy, and not sci-fi. Name is Fixing Up Love, and it’s available for sale or Kindle Unlimited borrowing. It ended up really cute. Yeah, I still kinda want to thump the protagonist in the beginning, but that’s not unusual for me–I typically do want to thump people who willfully avoid self-reflection. She does figure out that she won’t catch fire from self-reflection and does better fairly quickly. 

Certified Public Assassin is in the hands of two of my beta readers right now, and I’m about to contact the other two. I’m planning on that one coming out sometime in August or so. 

I’ve picked up and started writing the fourth book in the Liquid Diet Chronicles (book three is here), and I got the entire first chapter out last night before bed. The title of this one is Meals on Wheels, and yes, I know exactly what’s going on, and why. Meg is bitching unmercifully. Watch for it in January of ’25. 

That’s it for the things I’ve got firm information on. But there’s always more stories swirling around, and I don’t have anything resembling full creative control over anything. Nor yet over the timing of anything except hitting the publishing button.